高雄房屋借款 房屋二胎 高雄市房屋借款 左營房屋借款 鼓山房屋借款 三民房屋借款 鹽埕房屋借款 前金房屋借款 新興房屋借款 苓雅房屋借款 前鎮房屋借款 旗津房屋借款 小港房屋借款 楠梓房屋借款 茂林房屋借款 茂林房屋借款 岡山房屋借款 燕巢房屋借款 鳳山房屋借款 橋頭房屋借款 彌陀房屋借款 路竹房屋借款 大寮房屋借款 全省服務 值得推薦的房屋二胎 房屋借錢 當日撥款喔! 全省房屋二胎三胎借款,土地借款 土地持分借款( 建地,農地,山坡地,林地及各種科目土地都可,持分也可以借款) 全省服務 土地一胎借款,二胎借款,三胎借款 台中.大安.大甲.外埔.清水.神岡.后里.東勢.梧棲.沙鹿.大雅.潭子.豐原.石岡.新社.龍井.西屯.北屯.大肚.南屯.西區.北區.東區.南區.太平.大里.烏日.霧峰.中區.和平.北投.士林.內湖.松山.中山區.大同區.中正區.信義區.大安區.文山區.萬華.南港.宜蘭.頭城.礁溪.壯圍.員山.羅東.五結.三星.冬山.蘇澳.大同.南澳.中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂.基隆.七堵.八堵.安樂.中山.仁愛.信義.中正.暖暖.五堵.新北市.烏來.三峽.新店.石碇.坪林.鶯歌.樹林.土城.新莊.板橋.中和.永和.深坑.平溪.雙溪.貢寮.瑞芳.汐止.三重.泰山.林口.八里.五股.蘆洲.淡水.三芝.萬里.石門.金山.新竹.竹北.竹東.新豐.關西.湖口.新埔.峨眉.尖石.五峰.橫山.芎林.北埔.寶山.高雄.楠梓.台南.永康.嘉義.彰化.南投.金門.台東.屏東.花蓮.澎湖.房屋二胎借款,房屋借款,二胎借款,當日撥款,急用借款,房屋三胎,急用借錢,低利貸款,低利借款,利息最低,房屋二胎,二胎增貸,土地借款,土地二胎,三胎借款,二胎,三胎,借款,貸款,增借,增貸,農地借款,農地二胎,持分,持分借款,房屋持分,土地持分,房屋貸款,房屋增貸,房屋增借,土地貸款,土地增貸
高雄二胎高雄二胎高雄二胎高雄二胎高雄二胎高雄二胎2017-10-12 03:00
INTEGRATION: Changes to the region’s economic, social and political situations are bringing new opportunities and challenges, so Taiwan must adapt, the president said
By Lee I-chi高雄二胎a高雄二胎 / Staff reporter
President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday announced five flagship programs and five commitments aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and development with countries in the New Southbound Policy at the opening of the first高雄二胎 Yushan Forum (玉山論壇) in Taipei.
The “Yushan Forum: Asian Dialogue for Innovation and Progress,” organized by the government opened yesterday at the Grand Hyatt Taipei.
The forum was created as a platform for regional dialogue on society, culture, technology and youth engagement, and focuses on bolstering economic, social and cultural ties between Taiwan and the Asian-Indo-Pacific region, Prospect Foundation chairman Mark Chen (陳唐山) said.
Tsai told forum attendees that the rise of Asia has profoundly influenced both international security and the world economy, and that nations included in the New Southbound Policy have some of the fastest growing economies in the world.
“Taiwan has always played an indispensable role in the development of Asia. Over the years, we have been a source of capital, technology and technical know-how,” she said, adding that the nation has also built up enduring economic and industrial links with Southeast Asian countries, as a leading source of foreign direct investme高雄二胎nt and trade.
Economic, social and political changes in the region are bringing new opportunities and challenges, so Taiwan must adapt, redefine its role and play an even more active and prominent part in the interactions of the region, Tsai said.
“The New Southbound Policy is our new ‘Regional Strategy for Asia’ which is aimed at deepening and broadening our presence in South and Southeast Asia,” she said. “One of our foremost objectives is to strengthen cooperation in resources, talent and market development.”
The policy is inclusive and does not come at the expense of other regional initiatives, Tsai said, adding that it is designed to complement, rather than compete with, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the India and Japan Freedom Corridor.
Taiwan has expanded scholarships and financial assistance for students from New Southbound countries, is encouraging more bilateral trade and investment through the establishment of six investment windows in Southeast Asian countries and India, and relaxed visa restrictions on several countries covered by the policy, Tsai said.
In the past year, tourist numbers have increased by 36.7 percent, trade has grown by about 20 percent, and overseas student numbers have increased by about 10 percent from New Southbound countries, Tsai said.
The next phase is the five flagship programs, directed at development in five major areas: Human resources, innovation-based industries, regional agriculture, medical cooperation and industrial supply chains, she said.
To fulfill the region’s needs and bolster its sense of inclusiveness and community, Taiwan is prepared to make five commitments to New Southbound countries, Tsai said.
The commitments include helping nurture and empower talents needed in the region, by providing scholarships and educational opportunities and expanding work-study course offerings to 5,000 students each year, and sharing experiences to help New Southbound countries establish domestic demand-driven industries, such as in the fields of petrochemicals, information and communications technology, and the medical sect高雄二胎or, she said.
Other commitments include helping New Southbound countries with their infrastructure and major development projects by establishing a US$3.5 billion fund managed by the Official Development Assistance program; and helping small and medium enterprises and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) share their insight and experiences with New Southbound countries, with an emphasis on job creation at the local-level, Tsai said.
The nation has also made a commitment to join forces with other like-minded countries to improve Taiwan’s common presence in the region, which would benefit peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world, she said.
Tsai said that a “Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation” would be established to act as the main organizing and administrative body of the Yushan Forum and serve as an exchange platform for leaders, youth representatives, NGOs and think tanks in the region.
The two-day forum has two sub-themes: “Partnership of Commitment” aimed at highlighting Taiwan’s commitment to the New Southbound Policy, and “Partnership for Connectivity,” which demonstrates how Taiwan’s vibrant civil society is connected with people and groups for social well-being in Southeast and South Asia.
The forum invited more than 40 speakers from 15 South and Southeast Asian countries, as well as Japan, South Korea, the US and Europe.